Pickering Casino

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Our wonderful steel workers have been making the pieces for the construction of the Pickering Casino for quite a few months and working hard to make them exactly as it should be. One ordinary day at the shop some of the the pieces made for this project, were aligned and being detailed and given the finishes needed. A few pictures of that moment were taken and without a second thought they were used for purposes completely unrelated to this project.

A few weeks ago while visiting the construction site of this project I noticed the pieces that I remembered being made at the shop. It was exciting to see how everything I have only seen at the shop was taking shape! I took pictures of the structure erected and came back to the office. I realized that most of the time our men and women that produce this pieces do not have the opportunity to see the results of their work displayed like that.

Its like that expression of “I can’t see the forrest for the trees” meaning they are involved in creating the individual pieces and their details and once the pieces are shipped, it is rare to see them erected before the rest of the building falls on the steel structure.

It was with certain pride and a lot of pleasure then, that I put together this poster that shows their work being erected and their pieces in place.

We are proud of being known for the quality of our work and this is a great example:


Miguel Vadillo, Marketing Manager of Benson Steel is the author of this post.